Monday, August 1, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 20

त्रैविद्या मां सोमपाः पूतपापा

यज्ञैरिष्ट्वा स्वर्गतिं प्रार्थयन्ते ।

ते पुण्यमासाद्य सुरेन्द्रलोक-

मश्नन्ति दिव्यान्दिवि देवभोगान् ॥९- २०॥

traividyā māṃ somapāḥ pūtapāpā

yajñairiṣṭvā svargatiṃ prārthayante ।

te puṇyamāsādya surendraloka-

maśnanti divyāndivi devabhogān ॥9- 20॥

Knowers of the three Vedas, soma drinkers those whose evils are cleansed having worshiped me with sacrifices, they seek the virtuous path to heaven. Having attained the world of Indra, they attain the divine pleasures of the gods in heaven. 

traividyās (masculine, nominative, plural) = knowers of the three Vedas

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me

somapās (masculine, nominative, plural) = soma drinkers 

pūtapāpās (pūta + pāpās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = those whose evils are cleansed 

yajñais (masculine, instrumental, plural) = with sacrifices 

iṣṭvā (gerund) (indeclinable) = having worshiped  

svargatim (feminine, accusative, singular) = path to heaven  

prārthayante (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they seek 

te (masculine, nominative, plural) = they 

puṇyam (masculine, accusative, singular) = the virtuous

āsādya (gerund) (indeclinable) = having attained 

surendralokam (surendra + lokam) (masculine, accusative, singular) = world of Indra (chief of the gods) 

aśnanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they attain

divyān (masculine, accusative, plural) = divine 

divi (neuter, locative, singular) = in heaven  

devabhogān (deva + bhogān) (masculine, accusative, plural) = pleasures of the gods 

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