Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 10/Verse 16

वक्तुमर्हस्यशेषेण दिव्या ह्यात्मविभूतयः ।

याभिर्विभूतिभिर्लोकानिमांस्त्वं व्याप्य तिष्ठसि ॥१०- १६॥

vaktumarhasyaśeṣeṇa divyā hyātmavibhūtayaḥ ।
yābhirvibhūtibhirlokānimāṃstvaṃ vyāpya tiṣṭhasi ॥10- 16॥

Indeed, the divine, with completeness you are able to declare. Manifestations of the self by which the manifestations having pervaded from you, you are situated in these worlds.

vaktum (infinitive) (indecliable) = to declare

arhasi (present tense, 2nd person, singular) = you are able 

aśeṣeṇa (masculine, instrumental, singular) = with completeness 

divyās (masculine, nominative, plural) = divine 

hi (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed 

ātmavibhūtayas (feminine, nominative, plural) = manifestations of the self

yābhis (feminine, instrumental, plural) = by which 

vibhūtibhis (feminine, instrumental, plural) = manifestations 

lokān (masculine, accusative, plural) = worlds 

imān (masculine, accusative, plural) = these 

tvam (masculine, accusative, singular) = you

vyāpya (gerund) (indeclinable) = having pervaded 

tiṣṭhasi (present tense, 2nd person, singular) = you are situated in

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