Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 11/Verse 21

अमी हि त्वां सुरसंघा विशन्ति
केचिद्भीताः प्राञ्जलयो गृणन्ति ।
स्वस्तीत्युक्त्वा महर्षिसिद्धसंघाः
स्तुवन्ति त्वां स्तुतिभिः पुष्कलाभिः ॥११- २१॥

amī hi tvāṃ surasaṃghā viśanti
kecidbhītāḥ prāñjalayo gṛṇanti ।
svastītyuktvā maharṣisiddhasaṃghāḥ
stuvanti tvāṃ stutibhiḥ puṣkalābhiḥ ॥11- 21॥

Indeed, over there throngs of gods enter you, some terrified with reverent gestures praise.  The throngs of the perfected great seers having exclaimed, "hail!, " praise you with abundant praises. 

amī (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) = over there

hi (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

tvām (pronoun, 2nd person, accusative, singular) = you

surasaṃghās (sura + saṃghās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = throngs of gods 

viśanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they enter

kecid (masculine, nominative, plural) = some 

bhītās (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = terrified 

prāñjalayas (masculine, nominative, plual) = reverent gestures 

gṛṇanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they praise 

svasti (exclamation) (indeclinable) = hail! 

iti (punctuation) (indeclinable) = (close quotes) 

uktvā (gerund) (indeclinable) = having exclaimed 

maharṣisiddhasaṃghās (maha + rṣi + siddha + saṃghās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = the throngs of the perfected great seers  

stuvanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they praise

tvām (pronoun, 2nd person, accusative, singular) = you

stutibhis (feminine, instrumental, plural) = with praises 

puṣkalābhis (feminine, instrumental, plural) = with abundant 

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