Monday, August 22, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 11/Verse 17

किरीटिनं गदिनं चक्रिणं च
तेजोराशिं सर्वतो दीप्तिमन्तम् ।
पश्यामि त्वां दुर्निरीक्ष्यं समन्ता-
द्दीप्तानलार्कद्युतिमप्रमेयम् ॥११- १७॥

kirīṭinaṃ gadinaṃ cakriṇaṃ ca
tejorāśiṃ sarvato dīptimantam ।
paśyāmi tvāṃ durnirīkṣyaṃ samantā-
ddīptānalārkadyutimaprameyam ॥11- 17॥

Everywhere I see a brilliant heap of splendor, crowned, armed with a club, bearing a discus. Completely I see you, difficult to see, immeasurable light of the sun with fire flashing.

kirīṭinam (masculine, accusative, singular) = crowned 

gadinam (masculine, accusative, singular) = armed with a club  

cakriṇam (masculine, accusative, singular) = bearing a discus  

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

tejorāśim (tejas + rāśim) (masculine, accusative, singular) = heap of splendor 

sarvatas (adverb) (indeclinable) = everywhere

dīptimantam (masculine, accusative, singular) = brilliant 

paśyāmi (present tense, 1st person, singular) = I see 

tvām (pronoun, 2nd person, accusative, singular) = you

durnirīkṣyam (gerundive, masculine, accusative, singular) = difficult to see 

samantāt (adverb) (indeclinable) = completely

dīptānalārkadyutim (dīpta + anala + arka + dyutim) (feminine, accusative, singular) = light of the sun with fire flashing

aprameyam (feminine, accusative, singular) = immeasurable 

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