Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 11/Verse 54

भक्त्या त्वनन्यया शक्य अहमेवंविधोऽर्जुन ।
ज्ञातुं द्रष्टुं च तत्त्वेन प्रवेष्टुं च परंतप ॥११- ५४॥

bhaktyā tvananyayā śakya ahamevaṃvidho'rjuna ।
jñātuṃ draṣṭuṃ ca tattvena praveṣṭuṃ ca paraṃtapa ॥11- 54॥

By devotion and not by another I am able, Arjuna. By that principle in such a way to know and to see and attain, Scorcher of the Foe. 

bhaktyā (feminine, instrumental, singular) = by devotion 

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

ananyayā (feminine, instrumental, singular) = by not another  

śakye (present tense, 1st person, singular) = I am able 

aham (pronoun, 1st person, nominative, singular) = I

evaṃvidhas (masculine, nominative, singular) = in such a way

arjuna (masculine, vocative, singular) = Arjuna 

jñātum (infinitive) (indeclinable) = to know 

draṣṭum (infinitive) (indeclinable) = to see 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

tattvena (neuter, instrumental, singular) = by that principle 

praveṣṭum (infinitive) (indeclinable) = to attain  

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

paraṃtapa (masculine, vocative, singular) = Scorcher of the Foe (epithet of Arjuna) 

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