Friday, September 30, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 7

प्रवृत्तिं च निवृत्तिं च जना न विदुरासुराः ।

न शौचं नापि चाचारो न सत्यं तेषु विद्यते ॥१६- ७॥

pravṛttiṃ ca nivṛttiṃ ca janā na vidurāsurāḥ ।

na śaucaṃ nāpi cācāro na satyaṃ teṣu vidyate ॥16- 7॥

The demonic humans don't know activity nor inactivity, purity, nor good conduct. The truth is not found in them. 

pravṛttim (feminine, accusative, singular) = activity

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

nivṛttim (feminine, accusative, singular) = inactivity 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

janās (masculine, nominative, plural) = humans   

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

vidus (past tense, 3rd person, plural) = they know 

āsurās (masculine, nominative, plural) = the demonic 

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

śaucam (neuter, nominative, singular) = purity 

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

ācāras (masculine, nominative, singular) = good conduct 

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

satyam (neuter, nominative, singular) = truth 

teṣu (masculine, locative, plural) = in them 

vidyate (present tense, passive, 3rd person, singular) = it is found 

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