Friday, September 30, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 11

चिन्तामपरिमेयां च प्रलयान्तामुपाश्रिताः ।

कामोपभोगपरमा एतावदिति निश्चिताः ॥१६- ११॥

cintāmaparimeyāṃ ca pralayāntāmupāśritāḥ ।

kāmopabhogaparamā etāvaditi niścitāḥ ॥16- 11॥

Anxiety beyond measure and clinging to an end which is death, holding gratification of desire as the highest, totally convinced.  

cintām (feminine, accusative, singular) = anxiety 

aparimeyām (feminine, accusative, singular) = beyond measure 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

pralayāntām (feminine, accusative, singular) = an end which is death

upāśritās (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = those clinging 

kāmopabhogaparamās (kāma + upabhoga + paramās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = holding gratification of desire as the highest 

etāvat (adverb) (indeclinable) = so much 

iti (punctuation) (indeclinable) = (syntax marker) 

niścitās (masculine, nominative, plural) = convinced 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 10

काममाश्रित्य दुष्पूरं दम्भमानमदान्विताः ।

मोहाद्‌गृहीत्वासद्ग्राहान्प्रवर्तन्तेऽशुचिव्रताः ॥१६- १०॥

kāmamāśritya duṣpūraṃ dambhamānamadānvitāḥ ।
mohād‌gṛhītvāsadgrāhānpravartante'śucivratāḥ ॥16- 10॥

Attended by hypocrisy, arrogance, and lust having attached to insatiable desire, from delusion having accepted untrue ideas, [those with] unclean vows undertake.

kāmam (masculine, accusative, singular) = desire 

āśritya (gerund) (indeclinable) = having attached 

duṣpūram (masculine, accusative, singular) = insatiable  

dambhamānamadānvitās (dambha + māna + mada + anvitās) (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = attended by hypocrisy, arrogance, and lust 

mohāt (masculine, ablative, singular) = from delusion 

gṛhītvā (gerund) (indeclinable) = having accepted 

asadgrāhān (asat + grāhān) (masculine, accusative, plural) = untrue ideas

pravartante (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they undertake 

aśucivratās (aśuci + vratās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = unclean vows 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 9

एतां दृष्टिमवष्टभ्य नष्टात्मानोऽल्पबुद्धयः ।

प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माणः क्षयाय जगतोऽहिताः ॥१६- ९॥

etāṃ dṛṣṭimavaṣṭabhya naṣṭātmāno'lpabuddhayaḥ ।

prabhavantyugrakarmāṇaḥ kṣayāya jagato'hitāḥ ॥16- 9॥

They of lost selves, with small discrimination having supported this view, enemies whose actions are evil come forth for the destruction of the world. 

etām (feminine, accusative, singular) = this

dṛṣṭim (feminine, accusative, singular) = view

avaṣṭabhya (gerund) (indeclinable) = having supported  

naṣṭātmānas (masculine, nominative, plural) = they of lost selves 

alpabuddhayas (masculine, nominative, plural) = those with small discrimination

prabhavanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they come forth 

ugrakarmāṇas (masculine, nominative, plural) = those whose actions are evil 

kṣayāya (masculine, dative, singular) = for destruction 

jagatas (neuter, genitive, singular) = of the world 

ahitās (masculine, nominative, plural) = enemies 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 8

असत्यमप्रतिष्ठं ते जगदाहुरनीश्वरम् ।

अपरस्परसंभूतं किमन्यत्कामहैतुकम् ॥१६- ८॥

asatyamapratiṣṭhaṃ te jagadāhuranīśvaram ।

aparasparasaṃbhūtaṃ kimanyatkāmahaitukam ॥16- 8॥

They are non-truthful [and] unstable. They say the universe is without a god. What else is caused by desire produced continually?

asatyam (neuter, nominative, singular) = non-truthful

apratiṣṭham (neuter, nominative, singular) = unstable  

te (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) = they 

jagat (neuter, accusative, singular) = universe 

āhus (past tense, 3rd person, plural) = they say 

anīśvaram (masculine, accusative, singular) = without a god  

aparasparasaṃbhūtam (aparaspara + saṃbhūtam) (past passive participle, masculine/neuter, accusative, singular) = produced continually 

kimanyat (interrogative) (indeclinable) = what else?

kāmahaitukam (kāma + haitukam) (masculine, accusative, singular) = caused by desire  

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 7

प्रवृत्तिं च निवृत्तिं च जना न विदुरासुराः ।

न शौचं नापि चाचारो न सत्यं तेषु विद्यते ॥१६- ७॥

pravṛttiṃ ca nivṛttiṃ ca janā na vidurāsurāḥ ।

na śaucaṃ nāpi cācāro na satyaṃ teṣu vidyate ॥16- 7॥

The demonic humans don't know activity nor inactivity, purity, nor good conduct. The truth is not found in them. 

pravṛttim (feminine, accusative, singular) = activity

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

nivṛttim (feminine, accusative, singular) = inactivity 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

janās (masculine, nominative, plural) = humans   

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

vidus (past tense, 3rd person, plural) = they know 

āsurās (masculine, nominative, plural) = the demonic 

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

śaucam (neuter, nominative, singular) = purity 

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

ācāras (masculine, nominative, singular) = good conduct 

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

satyam (neuter, nominative, singular) = truth 

teṣu (masculine, locative, plural) = in them 

vidyate (present tense, passive, 3rd person, singular) = it is found 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 6

द्वौ भूतसर्गौ लोकेऽस्मिन्दैव आसुर एव च ।

दैवो विस्तरशः प्रोक्त आसुरं पार्थ मे शृणु ॥१६- ६॥

dvau bhūtasargau loke'smindaiva āsura eva ca ।
daivo vistaraśaḥ prokta āsuraṃ pārtha me śṛṇu ॥16- 6॥

There are two classes of created beings in this world: divine and demonic. Indeed, the divine was declared in detail. You must hear the demonic of me, Son of Pritha. 

dvau (cardinal number, masculine, nominative, dual) = two 

bhūtasargau (masculine, nominative, dual) = two classes of created beings 

loke (masculine, locative, singular) = in the world 

asmin (masculine, locative, singular) = in this 

daivas (masculine, nominative, singular) = divine 

āsuras (masculine, nominative, singular) = demonic 

eva (adverb) (indeclinable)  = indeed 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

daivas (masculine, nominative, singular) = divine 

vistaraśas (adverb) (indeclinable) = in detail 

proktas (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = declared  

āsuram (masculine, accusative, singular) = demonic 

pārtha (masculine, vocative, singular) = Son of Pritha (epithet of Arjuna)

me (pronoun, 1st person, genitive, singular) = of me 

śṛṇu (present tense, imperative, 2nd person, singular) = you must hear 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 5

दैवी संपद्विमोक्षाय निबन्धायासुरी मता ।

मा शुचः संपदं दैवीमभिजातोऽसि पाण्डव ॥१६- ५॥

daivī saṃpadvimokṣāya nibandhāyāsurī matā ।

mā śucaḥ saṃpadaṃ daivīmabhijāto'si pāṇḍava ॥16- 5॥

It is thought divine destiny is for liberation, demonic for bondage. Do not grieve. Well-born you are of divine destiny, Son of Pandu. 

daivī (feminine, nominative, singular) = divine 

saṃpad (feminine, nominative, singular) = destiny 

vimokṣāya (masculine, dative, singular) = for liberation 

nibandhāya (masculine, dative, singular) = for bondage 

āsurī (feminine, nominative, singular) = demonic 

matā (past passive participle, feminine, nominative, singular) = thought  

mā (adverb) (indeclinable) = do not 

śucas (aorist, 2nd person, singular) = you grieve 

saṃpadam (feminine, accusative, singular) = destiny 

daivīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = divine  

abhijātas (past passive participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = well-born

asi (present tense, 2nd person, singular) = you are 

pāṇḍava (masculine, vocative, singular) = Son of Pandu (epithet of Arjuna) 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 4

दम्भो दर्पोऽभिमानश्च क्रोधः पारुष्यमेव च ।

अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ संपदमासुरीम् ॥१६- ४॥

dambho darpo'bhimānaśca krodhaḥ pāruṣyameva ca ।
ajñānaṃ cābhijātasya pārtha saṃpadamāsurīm ॥16- 4॥

Hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger and harshness, and indeed, lack of knowledge. [These are] the demonic fortune of the well-born, Son of Pritha. 

dambhas (masculine, nominative, singular) = hypocrisy  

darpas (masculine, nominative, singular) = arrogance 

abhimānas (masculine, nominative, singular) = conceit 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

krodhas (masculine, nominative, singular) = anger  

pāruṣyam (neuter, nominative, singular) = harshness 

eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

ajñānam (neuter, nominative, singular) = lack of knowledge 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

abhijātasya (neuter, genitive, singular) = of the well-born 

pārtha (masculine, vocative, singular) = Son Pritha (epithet of Arjuna)

saṃpadam (feminine, accusative, singular) = fortune 

āsurīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = the demonic  

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 3

तेजः क्षमा धृतिः शौचमद्रोहो नातिमानिता ।

भवन्ति संपदं दैवीमभिजातस्य भारत ॥१६- ३॥

tejaḥ kṣamā dhṛtiḥ śaucamadroho nātimānitā ।

bhavanti saṃpadaṃ daivīmabhijātasya bhārata ॥16- 3॥

Splendor, patience, fortitude, purity, freedom from malice, not having excessive pride. These are the divine good fortune of the well-born, Descendant of Bharata. 

tejas (neuter, nominative, singular) = splendor 

kṣamā (feminine, nominative, singular) = patience 

dhṛtis (feminine, nominative, sngular) = fortitude  

śaucam (neuter, nominative, singular) = purity 

adrohas (masculine, nominative, singular) = freedom from malice  

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not 

atimānitā (feminine, nominative, singular) = excessive pride 

bhavanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they are 

saṃpadam (feminine, accusative, singular) = good fortune 

daivīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = divine 

abhijātasya (past passive participle, neuter, genitive, singular) = of the well-born  

bhārata (masculine, vocative, singular) = Descendant of Bharata 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 2

अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्यागः शान्तिरपैशुनम् ।

दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं ह्रीरचापलम् ॥१६- २॥

ahiṃsā satyamakrodhastyāgaḥ śāntirapaiśunam ।
dayā bhūteṣvaloluptvaṃ mārdavaṃ hrīracāpalam ॥16- 2॥

non-violence, veracity, absence of anger, renunciation, peace, non-slanderous, compassion in beings, freedom from desire, gentleness, modesty, absence of fickleness, 

ahiṃsā (feminine, nominative, singular) = non-violence 

satyam (neuter, nominative, singular) = veracity 

akrodhas (masculine, nominative, singular) = absence of anger 

tyāgas (masculine, nominative, singular) = renunciation  

śāntis (feminine, nominative, singular) = peace 

apaiśunam (neuter, nominative, singular) = non-slanderous  

dayā (feminine, nominative, singular) = compassion  

bhūteṣu (neuter, locative, plural) = in beings 

aloluptvam (neuter, nominative, singular) = freedom from desire  

mārdavam (neuter, nominative, singular) = gentleness 

hrīs (feminine, nominative, singular) = modesty

acāpalam (neuter, nominative, singular) = absence of fickleness 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16/Verse 1

अभयं सत्त्वसंशुद्धिर्ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः ।
दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम् ॥१६- १॥

abhayaṃ sattvasaṃśuddhirjñānayogavyavasthitiḥ ।

dānaṃ damaśca yajñaśca svādhyāyastapa ārjavam ॥16- 1॥

The Blessed Lord said, fearlessness, purity of being, directed towards the yoga of knowledge, charity, self-control and sacrifice, repeating to oneself, and righteousness, 

śrībhagavān (masculine, nominative, singular) = the Blessed Lord

uvāca (past tense, 3rd person, singular) = said 

abhayam (feminine, nominative, singular) = fearlessness 

sattvasaṃśuddhis (feminine, nominative, singular) = purity of being 

jñānayogavyavasthitis (jñāna + yoga + vyavasthitis) (feminine, nominative, singular) = directed towards the yoga of knowledge 

dānam (neuter, nominative, singular) = charity  

damas (masculine, nominative, singular) = self-control 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

yajñas (masculine, nominative, singular) = sacrifice 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

svādhyāyastapa (masculine, nominative, singular) = repeating to oneself 

ārjavam (neuter, nominative, singular) = righteousness 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 15/Verse 20

इति गुह्यतमं शास्त्रमिदमुक्तं मयानघ ।
एतद्‌बुद्ध्वा बुद्धिमान्स्यात्कृतकृत्यश्च भारत ॥१५- २०॥

iti guhyatamaṃ śāstramidamuktaṃ mayānagha ।
etad‌buddhvā buddhimānsyātkṛtakṛtyaśca bhārata ॥15- 20॥

Thus, this is the most secret doctrine declared by me, O Blameless One. Having understood this, one ought to be wise and one who has done what needs to be done, Descendant of Bharata. 

iti (adverb) (indeclinable)  = thus 

guhyatamam (superlative, neuter, nominative, singular) = most secret 

śāstram (neuter, nominative, singular) = doctrine 

idam (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, nominative, singular) = this 

uktam (past passive participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = declared 

mayā (pronoun, 1st person, instrumental, singular) = by me 

anagha (masculine, vocative, singular) = O Blameless One (epithet of Arjuna)  

etad‌ (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, accusative, singular) = this 

buddhvā (gerund) (indeclinable) = having understood 

buddhimān (masculine, nominative, singular) = wise 

syāt (optative, 3rd person, singular) = one should be 

kṛtakṛtyas (masculine, nominative, singular) = one who has done what needs to be done

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

bhārata = Descendant of Bharata (epithet of Arjuna) 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 15/Verse 19

यो मामेवमसंमूढो जानाति पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
स सर्वविद्भजति मां सर्वभावेन भारत ॥१५- १९॥

yo māmevamasaṃmūḍho jānāti puruṣottamam ।
sa sarvavidbhajati māṃ sarvabhāvena bhārata ॥15- 19॥

Thus who non-deluded knows me, the supreme spirit, that one all-knowing worships me with the whole being, O Descendant of Bharata. 

yas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) = who

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me 

evam (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus 

asaṃmūḍhas (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = non-deluded  

jānāti (present tense, 3rd person, singular) = it knows 

puruṣottamam (puruṣa + uttamam) (masculine, accusative, singular) = the supreme spirit 

sas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) = that one 

sarvavit (masculine, nominative, singular) = all-knowing 

bhajati (present tense, 3rd person, singular) = one worships  

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me

sarvabhāvena (masculine, instrumental, singular) = with the whole being 

bhārata (masculine, vocative, singular) = O Descendant of Bharata (epithet of Arjuna)