Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 17/Verse 25

तदित्यनभिसन्धाय फलं यज्ञतपःक्रियाः ।

दानक्रियाश्च विविधाः क्रियन्ते मोक्षकाङ्क्षिभिः ॥१७- २५॥

tadityanabhisandhāya phalaṃ yajñatapaḥkriyāḥ ।

dānakriyāśca vividhāḥ kriyante mokṣakāṅkṣibhiḥ ॥17- 25॥

Uttering "tat" having not aimed at the fruit, various acts of sacrifice, austerity, and charity are done by those who desire release. 

tat (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, nominative, singular) = tat 

iti (punctuation) (indeclinable) = (close quotes)

anabhisandhāya (gerund) (indeclinable) = having not aimed at  

phalam (neuter, accusative, singular) = fruit 

yajñatapaḥkriyās (yajña + tapas + kriyās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = acts of sacrifice and austerity  

dānakriyās (masculine, nominative, plural) = acts of charity 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

vividhās (masculine, nominative, plural) = various kinds 

kriyante (present tense, passive, 3rd person, plural) = they are done 

mokṣakāṅkṣibhis (mokṣa + kāṅkṣibhis) (masculine, instrumental, plural) = by those who desire release  

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