Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 7

सर्वभूतानि कौन्तेय प्रकृतिं यान्ति मामिकाम् ।

कल्पक्षये पुनस्तानि कल्पादौ विसृजाम्यहम् ॥९- ७॥

sarvabhūtāni kaunteya prakṛtiṃ yānti māmikām ।

kalpakṣaye punastāni kalpādau visṛjāmyaham ॥9- 7॥

Son of Kunti, all beings go to my material nature at the end of the kalpa. Again I send them forth at the beginning of the kalpa.

sarvabhūtāni (sarva + bhūtāni) (neuter, accusative, plural) = all beings  

kaunteya (masculine, vocative, singular) = Son of Kunti

prakṛtim (feminine, accusative, singular) = material nature

yānti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they go

māmikām (feminine, accusative, singular) = mine

kalpakṣaye (masculine, locative, singular) = at the end of the kalpa

punas (adverb) (indeclinable) = again 

tāni (neuter, accusative, plural) = them

kalpādau (masculine, locative, singular) = at the beginning of a kalpa  

visṛjāmi (present tense, 1st person, singular) = I send forth

aham (pronoun, 1st person, singular) = I

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