Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 7/Verse 28

येषां त्वन्तगतं पापं जनानां पुण्यकर्मणाम् ।

ते द्वन्द्वमोहनिर्मुक्ता भजन्ते मां दृढव्रताः ॥७- २८॥

yeṣāṃ tvantagataṃ pāpaṃ janānāṃ puṇyakarmaṇām ।
te dvandvamohanirmuktā bhajante māṃ dṛḍhavratāḥ ॥7- 28॥

But of whom has come to an end of sin, of those people of pure actions, they whose vows are firm liberated from the duality of delusion worship me. 

yeṣām (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, genitive, plural) = of whom  

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but 

antagatam (past passive participle, masculine, accusative, singular) = come to an end  

pāpam (masculine, accusative, singular) = sin 

janānām (masculine, genitive, plural) = of people 

puṇyakarmaṇām (neuter, genitive, plural) = of those of pure actions 

te (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) = they

dvandvamohanirmuktās (dvandva + moha + nirmuktās) (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = liberated from the duality of delusion 

bhajante (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they worship

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me  

dṛḍhavratās (dṛḍha + vratās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = whose vows are firm  

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