Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 17

पिताहमस्य जगतो माता धाता पितामहः ।

वेद्यं पवित्रमोंकार ऋक्साम यजुरेव च ॥९- १७॥

pitāhamasya jagato mātā dhātā pitāmahaḥ ।
vedyaṃ pavitramoṃkāra ṛksāma yajureva ca ॥9- 17॥

I am the father of this world, the mother, the creator, the grandfather, what is to be known, the holy, the sacred syllable "Om," and indeed, the Rig, Sama, [and] Yajur Veda... 

pitā (masculine, nominative, singular) = father 

aham (pronoun, 1st person, nominative, singular) = I 

asya (neuter, genitive, singular) = of this  

jagatas (neuter, genitive, singular) = of the world  

mātā (feminine, nominative, singular) = mother 

dhātā (masculine, nominative, singular) = the creator 

pitāmahas (masculine, nominative, singular) = grandfather 

vedyam (neuter, nominative, singular) = what is to be known

pavitram (neuter, nominative, singular) = the holy 

oṃkāras (masculine, nominative, singular) = the syllable "Om" 

ṛk (neuter, nominative, singular) = Rig Veda 

sāman (neuter, nominative, singular) = Sama Veda

yajus (neuter, nominative, singular) = Yajur Veda

eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

ca (adverb) (indeclinable) = and 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 16

अहं क्रतुरहं यज्ञः स्वधाहमहमौषधम् ।

मन्त्रोऽहमहमेवाज्यमहमग्निरहं हुतम् ॥९- १६॥

ahaṃ kraturahaṃ yajñaḥ svadhāhamahamauṣadham ।

mantro'hamahamevājyamahamagnirahaṃ hutam ॥9- 16॥

I am the ritual, I am the devotion, I am the offering, I am the medicinal herb, I am the mantra, indeed, I am the ghee, I am the fire, I am the oblation. 

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

kratus (masculine, nominative, singular) = ritual 

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

yajñas (masculine, nominative, singular) = devotion 

svadhā (neuter, nominative, singular) = offering 

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

auṣadham (neuter, nominative, singular) = medicinal herb

mantras (masculine, nominative, singular) = mantra 

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed 

ājyam (neuter, nominative, singular) = ghee 

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

agnis (masculine, nominative, singular) = fire

aham (pronoun, 1st person, masculine, nominative, singular) = I

hutam (neuter, nominative, singular) = the oblation

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 15

ज्ञानयज्ञेन चाप्यन्ये यजन्तो मामुपासते ।

एकत्वेन पृथक्त्वेन बहुधा विश्वतोमुखम् ॥९- १५॥

jñānayajñena cāpyanye yajanto māmupāsate ।
ekatvena pṛthaktvena bahudhā viśvatomukham ॥9- 15॥

And also by devotion of knowledge others are devoting in different ways. By multiplicity [and] oneness, they worship me, facing in all directions. 

jñānayajñena (jñāna + yajñena) (masculine, instrumental, singular) = by devotion of knowledge 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also 

anye (masculine, nominative, plural) =others 

yajantas (present participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = devoting 

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me 

upāsate (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they worship  

ekatvena (neuter, instrumental, singular) = by oneness  

pṛthaktvena (neuter, instrumental, singular) = by multiplicity 

bahudhā (adverb) (indeclinable) = in different ways

viśvatomukham (masculine, accusative, singular) = facing in all directions  

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 14

सततं कीर्तयन्तो मां यतन्तश्च दृढव्रताः ।

नमस्यन्तश्च मां भक्त्या नित्ययुक्ता उपासते ॥९- १४॥

satataṃ kīrtayanto māṃ yatantaśca dṛḍhavratāḥ ।

namasyantaśca māṃ bhaktyā nityayuktā upāsate ॥9- 14॥

Those whose vows are firm are perpetually honoring and striving and glorifying me with devotion. Always yoked they worship me. 

satatam (adverb) (indeclinable) = perpetually  

kīrtayantas (present participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = glorifying 

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me

yatantas (present participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = striving 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

dṛḍhavratās (dṛḍha + vratās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = those whose vows are firm 

namasyantas (present participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = honoring 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me 

bhaktyā (feminine, instrumental, singular) = with devotion 

nitya (adverb) (indeclinable) = always 

yuktās (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = those yoked 

upāsate (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they worship  

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 13

महात्मानस्तु मां पार्थ दैवीं प्रकृतिमाश्रिताः ।

भजन्त्यनन्यमनसो ज्ञात्वा भूतादिमव्ययम् ॥९- १३॥

mahātmānastu māṃ pārtha daivīṃ prakṛtimāśritāḥ

bhajantyananyamanaso jñātvā bhūtādimavyayam ॥9- 13॥

But the souls who are great, 
dwelling in celestial nature, whose minds are not divided having known the imperishable origin of beings, worship me, Son of Pritha.  

mahātmānas (mahā + ātmānas) (masculine, nominative, plural) = souls who are great

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but 

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me 

pārtha (masculine, vocative, singular) = Son of Pritha 

daivīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = celestial 

prakṛtim (feminine, accusative, singular) = nature 

āśritās (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) =  dwelling in 

bhajanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they worship

ananyamanasas (
ananya + manasas) (masculine, nominative, plural) = those who minds are not divided 

jñātvā (gerund) (indeclinable) = having known 

bhūtādim (masculine, accusative, singular) = the origin of beings 

avyayam (masculine, accusative, singular) = imperishable  

Friday, July 29, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 12

मोघाशा मोघकर्माणो मोघज्ञाना विचेतसः ।

राक्षसीमासुरीं चैव प्रकृतिं मोहिनीं श्रिताः ॥९- १२॥

moghāśā moghakarmāṇo moghajñānā vicetasaḥ ।

rākṣasīmāsurīṃ caiva prakṛtiṃ mohinīṃ śritāḥ ॥9- 12॥

Those who consume in vain, whose actions are vain, whose knowledge is vain, are ignorant, and indeed, they are gone to a nature possessed of delusion, the demonic, and fiendish. 

moghāśās (mogha + āśās) (masculine, nominative, plural) =  those who consume in vain  

moghakarmāṇas (mogha + karmāṇas) (masculine, nominative, plural) = those whose actions are vain 

moghajñānās (mogha + jñānās) (masculine, nominative, plural) = those whose knowledge are vain 

vicetasas (neuter, nominative, plural) = ignorant  

rākṣasīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = fiendish 

āsurīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = demonic 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed 

prakṛtim (feminine, accusative, singular) = nature 

mohinīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = possessed of delusion 

śritās (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = gone to 

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 11

अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम् ।

परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम् ॥९- ११॥

avajānanti māṃ mūḍhā mānuṣīṃ tanumāśritam ।

paraṃ bhāvamajānanto mama bhūtamaheśvaram ॥9- 11॥

The deluded despise me, dwelling in the human body, not knowing my higher being, the Great Lord of Beings.

avajānanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they despise  

mām (pronoun, 1st person, accusative, singular) = me  

mūḍhās (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = the deluded 

mānuṣīm (feminine, accusative, singular) = human  

tanum (feminine, accusative, singular) = body 

āśritam (past passive participle, masculine, accusative, singular) = dwelling in

param (masculine, accusative, singular) = higher  

bhāvam (masculine, accusative, singular) = being 

ajānantas (present participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = not knowing  

mama (pronoun, 1st person, genitive, singular) = my

bhūtamaheśvaram (bhūta + mahā + īśvaram) (masculine, accusative, singular) = Great Lord of Beings 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 10

मयाध्यक्षेण प्रकृतिः सूयते सचराचरम् ।

हेतुनानेन कौन्तेय जगद्विपरिवर्तते ॥९- १०॥

mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sacarācaram ।
hetunānena kaunteya jagadviparivartate ॥9- 10॥

By me as lordship material nature produces animate and inanimate, with this source the world revolves, Son of Kunti. 

mayā (pronoun, 1st person, instrumental, singular) = by me

adhyakṣeṇa (masculine, instrumental, singular) = with lordship

prakṛtis (feminine, nominative, singular) = material nature 

sūyate (present tense, 3rd person, singular) = one produces 

sacarācaram (sa + cara + acaram) (masculine, accusative, singular) = with the animate and inanimate  

hetunā (masculine, instrumental, singular) = with source

anena (masculine, instrumental, singular) = with this 

kaunteya (masculine, vocative, singular) = Son of Kunti

jagat (neuter, nominative, singular) = the world 

viparivartate (present tense, 3rd person, singular) = it revolves  

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter9/Verse 9

न च मां तानि कर्माणि निबध्नन्ति धनंजय ।

उदासीनवदासीनमसक्तं तेषु कर्मसु ॥९- ९॥

na ca māṃ tāni karmāṇi nibadhnanti dhanaṃjaya ।

udāsīnavadāsīnamasaktaṃ teṣu karmasu ॥9- 9॥

And these actions do not bind me, one possessed of indifference sitting unattached in these actions, Conqueror of Wealth.

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

mām (pronoun, 1st person, singular) = me

tāni (neuter, nominative, plural) = these  

karmāṇi (neuter, nominative, plural) = actions

nibadhnanti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they bind  

dhanaṃjaya (masculine, vocative, singular) = Conqueror of Wealth

udāsīnavat (neuter, nominative, singular) = one possessed of indifference 

āsīnam (masculine, accusative, singular) = sitting 

asaktam (past passive participle, masculine, accusative, singular) = unattached  

teṣu (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, locative, plural) = in these 

karmasu (neuter, locative, plural) = in actions

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 8

प्रकृतिं स्वामवष्टभ्य विसृजामि पुनः पुनः ।

भूतग्राममिमं कृत्स्नमवशं प्रकृतेर्वशात् ॥९- ८॥

prakṛtiṃ svāmavaṣṭabhya visṛjāmi punaḥ punaḥ ।

bhūtagrāmamimaṃ kṛtsnamavaśaṃ prakṛtervaśāt ॥9- 8॥

Having been supported by my own material nature, again and again I send forth this entire multitude of powerless beings from the influence of material nature. 

prakṛtim (feminine, accusative, singular) = material nature

svām (feminine, accusative, singular) = one's own 

avaṣṭabhya (gerund) (indeclinable) = having been supported by

visṛjāmi (present tense, 1st person, singular) = I send forth

punas punas (adverb) (indeclinable) = again and again

bhūtagrāmam (bhūta + grāmam) (masculine, accusative, singular) = the multitude of beings 

imam (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, accusative, singular) = this 

kṛtsnam (masculine, accusative, singular) = entire 

avaśam (masculine, accusative, singular) = powerless  

prakṛtes (feminine, genitive, singular) = of material nature 

vaśāt (masculine, ablative, singular) = from the influence

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 7

सर्वभूतानि कौन्तेय प्रकृतिं यान्ति मामिकाम् ।

कल्पक्षये पुनस्तानि कल्पादौ विसृजाम्यहम् ॥९- ७॥

sarvabhūtāni kaunteya prakṛtiṃ yānti māmikām ।

kalpakṣaye punastāni kalpādau visṛjāmyaham ॥9- 7॥

Son of Kunti, all beings go to my material nature at the end of the kalpa. Again I send them forth at the beginning of the kalpa.

sarvabhūtāni (sarva + bhūtāni) (neuter, accusative, plural) = all beings  

kaunteya (masculine, vocative, singular) = Son of Kunti

prakṛtim (feminine, accusative, singular) = material nature

yānti (present tense, 3rd person, plural) = they go

māmikām (feminine, accusative, singular) = mine

kalpakṣaye (masculine, locative, singular) = at the end of the kalpa

punas (adverb) (indeclinable) = again 

tāni (neuter, accusative, plural) = them

kalpādau (masculine, locative, singular) = at the beginning of a kalpa  

visṛjāmi (present tense, 1st person, singular) = I send forth

aham (pronoun, 1st person, singular) = I

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9/Verse 6

यथाकाशस्थितो नित्यं वायुः सर्वत्रगो महान् ।

तथा सर्वाणि भूतानि मत्स्थानीत्युपधारय ॥९- ६॥

yathākāśasthito nityaṃ vāyuḥ sarvatrago mahān ।
tathā sarvāṇi bhūtāni matsthānītyupadhāraya ॥9- 6॥

You must consider, as a strong wind going everywhere eternally dwelling in space, so all beings are dwelling from me. 

yathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = as

ākāśasthitas (ākāśa + sthitas) (masculine, nominative, singular) = dwelling in space

nityam (adverb) (indeclinable) = eternally

vāyus (masculine, nominative, singular) = wind

sarvatragas (masculine, nominative, singular) = going everywhere 

mahān (masculine, nominative, singular) = strong

tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = so

sarvāṇi (neuter, nominative, plural) = all

bhūtāni (neuter, nominative, plural) = beings  

mad (pronoun, 1st person, ablative, singular) = from me 

sthāni (neuter, nominative, plural) = they are dwelling 

iti (punctuation) (indeclinable) = (close quotes) 

upadhāraya (imperative, 2nd person, singular) = you must consider