Friday, May 27, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6/Verse 27

प्रशान्तमनसं ह्येनं योगिनं सुखमुत्तमम् ।

उपैति शान्तरजसं ब्रह्मभूतमकल्मषम् ॥६- २७॥

praśāntamanasaṃ hyenaṃ yoginaṃ sukhamuttamam ।

upaiti śāntarajasaṃ brahmabhūtamakalmaṣam ॥6- 27॥

Supreme happiness comes to this yogin truly whose mind is tranquil, whose passions are calmed, united with Brahman, [and] spotless.

praśāntamanasam (praśānta + manasam) (past passive participle, neuter, accusative, singular) = whose mind is tranquil  

hi (adverb) (indeclinable) = truly 

enam (masculine, accusative, singular) = this

yoginam (masculine, accusative, singular) = yogin 

sukham (neuter, nominative, singular) = happiness 

uttamam (neuter, nominative, singular) = supreme  

upaiti (present tense, 3rd person, singular) = it comes

śāntarajasam (śānta + rajasam) (masculine, accusative, singular) = whose passions are calmed  

brahmabhūtam (masculine, accusative, singular) = united with Brahman 

akalmaṣam (masculine, accusative, singular) = spotless 


Previous translations ignore the inherit cases in the words and flip-flops the syntax of the verse. 

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