Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5 Summery

Chapter 5 Summery

Arjuna said, Krishna, you praise renunciation of actions and then [praise] yoga. Which is the better of these two? Please tell me that one, definitely.

The Blessed Lord said, renunciation and yoga of actions both produce bliss, but the yoga of actions surpasses the renunciation of actions.  

One is to be known as possessed of perpetual asceticism, who does not hate, does not desire, [and] is indifferent to opposites. Indeed, pleasantly one is liberated from bondage, O Mighty Armed One. 

Samkhya and yoga are distinct the immature declare, not the pandits. Even one practiced correctly, one finds the fruit of both. 

A position which is attained by the samkhyas, that [position] is also attained by the yogas who sees yoga and samkhya as one. 

But renunciation is difficult to attain without yoga, O Mighty Armed One. A sage yoked with yoga soon attains Brahman. 

Yoked to yoga, the self purified, the self controlled, the senses 
subdued, the self in being, the self in the being of all. Even doing, 
one is not defiled. 

Yoked knower of the truth, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping, [and] breathing, ought to think, "Indeed, I do nothing."

Chattering, excreting, grasping, opening the eyes, [and] shutting the eyes. Even believing, "The senses also abide in the objects of the senses."

Having placed actions in Brahman, having abandoned attachment, one who does is not defiled by evil. Like a leaf of a lotus out of the water.

By the body, mind, wisdom, even merely by the senses, yogins do action having abandoned attachment for the purification of the self. 

Yoked having abandoned the fruit of action, one attains supreme peace. Unyoked [and] attached one is bound in the fruit with following one's own inclinations. 

Having renounced all actions with the mind, one who has subdued one's passions pleasantly sits in the "city of the nine gates." Indeed, the embodied one is not impelled to act nor acts. 

A master does not create the state of being the performer nor the actions of the world nor the union of the fruit with the action, nevertheless one's manner of being engages [the world]. 

The self-controlled one partakes in no evil, and indeed, no virtue of anyone. By ignorance, knowledge is enveloped. By that living beings are deluded. 

However, of whom that ignorance is destroyed by knowledge, of them that knowledge of the self causes the supreme one to shine like the sun. 

Whose wisdom are in that, the self in that, abiding in that, having that as the highest aim, and those whose sins are shaken off by knowledge, they go not again to the cycle of birth and death.

Pandits see the same in a brahmin accomplished in the guidance of lore, a cow, a elephant, a dog, and indeed, a dog-cooker.

Indeed, here, birth is subdued by those of whom the mind is established in equality. Brahman is equal, and indeed, without an imbalanced tendency. Therefore, they are established in Brahman. 

Having attained the cherished, one should not rejoice and having attained the non-cherished, one should not grieve. A non-deluded, knower of Brahman, rock of wisdom is established in Brahman. 

The self unattached in contacts with the environment who experiences happiness in the self, that self yoked to yoga with Brahman attains imperishable happiness. 

Indeed, the pleasures born of contact, indeed, are temporal sources of pain, Son of Kunti. A wise person is not content in them. 

Indeed, in this world, that one who is able to endure the agitation coming from anger and desire before the liberation of the body, that yoked one is a happy person.

Thus who [has] happiness within, interior delight, [and] indeed, who [has] inner radiance, that one is a yogin, existing in Brahman, attains nirvana in Brahman.

The seers whose sins are destroyed, doubts are cut away, the self restrained, delighted in the welfare of all beings attain nirvana in Brahman. 

Of the ascetics whose minds are controlled, detached anger and desire, imminent nirvana in Brahman is at hand for the selves who are knowledgeable. 
Having accomplished the exclusion of the external contacts, having preformed equal inhaling and exhaling moving within the nose, and indeed, the [third] eye in-between the two eyebrows,...

...the sage whose discrimination, mind, and senses are controlled, whose principal objective is release, anger, fear, and desire has gone away, indeed, that one is always liberated.

Having known me, the one who enjoys the austerities of devotion, the mighty lord of all the world, a friend of all living beings, one attains peace. 

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