Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5/Verse 19

इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साम्ये स्थितं मनः ।

निर्दोषं हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद्ब्रह्मणि ते स्थिताः ॥५- १९॥

ihaiva tairjitaḥ sargo yeṣāṃ sāmye sthitaṃ manaḥ ।

nirdoṣaṃ hi samaṃ brahma tasmādbrahmaṇi te sthitāḥ ॥5- 19॥

Indeed, here, birth is subdued by those of whom the mind is established in equality. Brahman is equal, and indeed, without an imbalanced tendency. Therefore, they are established in Brahman. 

iha (adverb) (indeclinable) = here

eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

tais (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, instrumental, plural) = by those

jitas (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = subdued

sargas (masculine, nominative, singular) = birth

yeṣām (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine genitive, plural) = of whom

sāmye (neuter, locative, singular) = in equality

sthitam (past passive participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = established 

manas (neuter, nominative, singular) = the mind

nirdoṣam (adjective, neuter, nominative, singular) = without an imbalanced tendency  

hi (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

samam (neuter, nominative, singular) = equal 

brahma (neuter, nominative, singular) = Brahman

tasmāt (masculine, ablative, singular) = therefore

brahmaṇi (neuter, locative, singular) = in Brahman

te (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) = they

sthitās (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = established 

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