Friday, June 17, 2016

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6/Verse 46

तपस्विभ्योऽधिको योगी ज्ञानिभ्योऽपि मतोऽधिकः ।

कर्मिभ्यश्चाधिको योगी तस्माद्योगी भवार्जुन ॥६- ४६॥

tapasvibhyo'dhiko yogī jñānibhyo'pi mato'dhikaḥ ।

karmibhyaścādhiko yogī tasmādyogī bhavārjuna ॥6- 46॥

The yogin is superior to the ascetics and even thought superior to the one endowed with knowledge. The yogin is superior to the one engaged in business. Therefore you must be a yogin, Arjuna! 

tapasvibhyas (ablative of comparison, masculine, ablative, plural) = to the ascetics 

adhikas (masculine, nominative, singular) = superior  

yogī (masculine, nominative, singular) = yogin

jñānibhyas (ablative of comparison, masculine, ablative, plural) = to one endowed with knowledge 

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even 

matas (past passive participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = thought 

adhikas (masculine, nominative, singular) = superior 

karmibhyas (masculine, ablative, plural) = to the one engaged in business 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

adhikas (masculine, nominative, singular) = superior  

yogī (masculine, nominative, singular) = yogin 

tasmāt (masculine, ablative, singular) = therefore

yogī (masculine, nominative, singular) = yogin 

bhava (imperative, present tense, 2nd person, singular) = you must be 

arjuna (masculine, vocative, singular) = Arjuna 

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