Friday, August 14, 2015

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 1/Verse 18

Chapter 1/Verse 18

द्रुपदो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्वशः पृथिवीपते ।

सौभद्रश्च महाबाहुः शङ्खान्दध्मुः पृथक्पृथक् ॥१-१८॥

drupado draupadeyāśca sarvaśaḥ pṛthivīpate ।

saubhadraśca mahābāhuḥ śaṅkhāndadhmuḥ

pṛthakpṛthak ॥1-18॥

O' Lord of the Earth,  Drupada and the sons of Draupadī and the son of Subhadrā, the mighty-armed, all together they blew their own conch shells.

drupadas (stem form: drupada) (masculine, nominative, singular) = Drupada

draupadeyās (stem form: draupadeya) (masculine, nominative, plural with nominal derivative) = sons of Draupadī

ca (indeclinable) = and

sarvaśas (adverb) (indeclinable) = all together

pṛthivīpate (stem form: pṛthivīpati) (pṛthivī + pate) (tatpurūṣa compound, masculine, vocative, singular) = O' Lord of the Earth

saubhadras (stem form: saubhadra) (masculine, nominative, singular with nominal derivative) =  son of Subhadrā

ca (indeclinable) = and

mahābāhus (stem form: mahābāhu) (mahā + bāhus) (bahuvrihī compound, masculine, nominative, singular) = mighty-armed (epithet of son-of-Subhadrā)

śaṅkhān (stem form: śaṅkha) (masculine, accusative, plural) = conch shells

dadhmus (root verb: dhmā) (perfect, parasmaipada, 3rd person, plural) =  they blew

pṛthakpṛthak (stem form: pṛthakpṛthak) (pṛthak + pṛthak) (adverb) (indeclinable) = each their own (singly)

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