Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2/Verse 8

न हि प्रपश्यामि ममापनुद्याद् यच्छोकमुच्छोषणमिन्द्रियाणाम् ।
अवाप्य भूमावसपत्नमृद्धं राज्यं सुराणामपि चाधिपत्यम् ॥२- ८॥

na hi prapaśyāmi mamāpanudyād yacchokamucchoṣaṇamindriyāṇām ।

avāpya bhūmāvasapatnamṛddhaṃ rājyaṃ surāṇāmapi cādhipatyam ॥2- 8॥

Indeed, I do not see what ought to dispel the grief drying up my senses. Even to obtain an unrivaled, prosperous kingdom on earth and sovereignty of the deities. 

Word-for-word translation

na (adverb) (indeclinable) = not

hi (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

prapaśyāmi (present tense, 1st person, singular) = I see 

mama (pronoun, 1st person, genitive, singular) = my

apanudyāt (optative, 3rd person, singular) = ought to dispel 

yat (relative pronoun, nominative, singular) = what

śokam (accusative, singular) = grief

ucchoṣaṇam (adjective modifying "śokam") (accusative, singular) = drying up 

indriyāṇām (genitive, plural) = of the senses  

avāpya (gerundive) (indeclinable) = to be obtained 

bhūmau (locative, singular) = on earth 

asapatnam (adjective modifying "rājyam") (accusative, singular) = unrivaled 

ṛddham (adjective modifying "rājyam") (accusative, singular) = prosperous 

rājyam (accusative, singular) = kingdom 

surāṇām (genitive, plural) = of the deities 

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even 

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and 

ādhipatyam (accusative, singular) = sovereignty 


A clear cut verse with good examples of the use of various cases in one verse. 

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