Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 1/Verse 35

Chapter 1/Verse 35

एतान्न हन्तुमिच्छामि घ्नतोऽपि मधुसूदन ।

अपि त्रैलोक्यराज्यस्य हेतोः किं नु महीकृते ॥१-३५॥

etānna hantumicchāmi ghnato'pi madhusūdana ।

api trailokyarājyasya hetoḥ kiṃ nu mahīkṛte ॥1-35॥

I do not wish to kill these, even [if I be] slain. O Madhusūdana,  even for the reason of the rulership of the triple world. Indeed, how much less on account of the earth?

etān (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, accusative, plural) = these

na (negation particle) (indeclinable) = not

hantum (verb root: han) (infinitive) (indeclinable) = to kill

icchāmi (verb root: iṣ) (present tense, 1st person, singular) = I wish

ghnatas (verb root: han) (present participle, masculine, accusative, singular) = slain

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even

madhusūdana (stem form: madhusūdana) (masculine, vocative, singular) = O Madhusūdana (epithet of Krishna)

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even

trailokyarājyasya (stem form: trailokyarājya) (trai + lokya + rājyasya) (tatpurūṣa compound, neuter, genitive, singular) = of the rulership of the triple world

hetos (stem form: hetu)(masculine, genitive, singular) = for the reason

kim (interrogative) (indeclinable) = how?

nu (adverb) (indeclinable) = (a particle having an interrogative force and implying some doubt or uncertainty

mahīkṛte (stem form: mahīkṛte) (mahī + kṛte) (masculine, locative, singular) = for the sake of the earth

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