Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 1/Verse 44

Chapter 1/Verse 44

उत्सन्नकुलधर्माणां मनुष्याणां जनार्दन ।

नरकेऽनियतं वासो भवतीत्यनुशुश्रुम ॥१-४४॥

utsannakuladharmāṇāṃ manuṣyāṇāṃ janārdana ।

narake'niyataṃ vāso bhavatītyanuśuśruma ॥1-44॥

O Janārdana, we have heard, "the abode is chaotic in the atmosphere of torment of the ruined family dharmas of humans."

utsannakuladharmāṇām (verb root: sad) (utsanna + kula + dharmāṇām) (tatpurūṣa compound, masculine, genitive, plural) = of the ruined family dharmas

manuṣyāṇām (stem form: manuṣya) (masculine, genitive, plural) = of humans

janārdana (stem form: janārdana) (masculine, vocative, singular) = O Janārdana [epithet for Krishna]

narake (stem form: naraka) (masculine, locative, singular) = in an atmosphere of torment

aniyatam (stem form: aniyata) (masculine, accusative, singular used adverbially) = chaotic

vāsas (verb root: vas) (derivative noun, masculine, nominative, singular) = abode

bhavati (verb root: bhū) (present indicative, 3rd person, singular) = it is

iti (punctuation) (indeclinable) = (quotation mark)

anuśuśruma (verb root: śru) (perfect, parasmaipada, 1st person, plural) = we have heard

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